Most people do not have much power over anything in their lives. We can feel out of control and use various coping mechanisms to give ourselves at least an outward appearance or feeling of control over our immediate surroundings.

But some are just too insecure with themselves to be satisfied with control over their surroundings, they have to have power over others. Part of this insecurity stems from the need of approval from others. Everyone wants to be liked and respected, but to some a disagreement in opinion is perceived as an attack on them.

These people need an authority figure to dictate their opinion. In this way their insecurities are satiated. Their minds are put to rest, knowing that the (((experts))) approve of this opinion, and that those who do not share this opinion are perceived as ignorant or in need of educating.

By blindly repeating the mainstream media narrative, the NPC gains vicarious power over the player character. In the mind of the NPC he is now granted the power to force the player character to conform with his pre-approved opinion.


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