The above article lays out the basics of how to tell if you're a member of a cult. It is clear that vaxxoids are dangerous cultists that are a danger to society.

  1. The leader is the ultimate authority

    Fauci is the ultimate authority on covid. Nobody can ever dare question him.

  2. The group suppresses skepticism

    The covid cult has suppressed skepticism by banning and censoring anyone who questions Fauci's covid doctrine.

  3. The group delegitimizes former members

    Fauci has delegitimized scientists, viroligists, epidemiologists, etc, who question his corona dogma.

  4. The group is paranoid about the outside world

    Covid cultists are certainly paranoid about anyone who doesn't get the MRNA injection. Anyone who doesn't go along with their guidelines and medical regimen is acted upon in a hostile and aggressive manner.

  5. The group relies on shame cycles

    Covid cultists without a doubt have attmepted to shame and smear anyone who doesn't go along with their paranoid delusions.

  6. The leader is above the law

    Fauci has openly lied to Congress without penalty.

  7. The group uses “thought reform” methods

    The lockdowns were a method of "thought reform." Isolation and fear were induced in order to break down people's sense of identity and abiltiy to think rationally.

  8. The group is elitist

    Yes, if you just adhere to the principles and doctrine of your Cult Lord Fauci you will be delivered from the evils of Covid.

  9. There is no financial transparency

    OK, everyone knows the MRNA injections are being funded by the tax payer. Yea, Fauci has been less than open with his finances, but this is larger than your "regular" cult, so they don't have such a need to hide where their funding comes from.

  10. The group performs secret rites

    The "secret" rite of initiation into the Covid Cult is the MRNA injection.


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